HomeGay BuzzPerez Condemns ‘Rude’ Questions About Galitzine’s Sexuality

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    Perez Condemns ‘Rude’ Questions About Galitzine’s Sexuality

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    Taylor Zakhar Perez, star of the beloved LGBTQ+ rom-com “Red, White & Royal Blue,” has publicly defended his co-star Nicholas Galitzine from intrusive questions about his sexuality. Perez labeled these questions as “rude and unprofessional,” emphasizing that an actor’s personal life should remain private and unrelated to their professional roles.

    From Perez’ Instagram

    Earlier this month, Nicholas Galitzine expressed mixed feelings about portraying queer characters despite identifying as straight. Speaking to British GQ, Galitzine revealed a sense of “guilt” over taking roles that could potentially go to LGBTQIA+ actors. “I felt a sense of uncertainty sometimes about whether I’m taking up someone’s space, and perhaps guilt,” he said, while also acknowledging that he views these characters as more than just their sexuality .

    From Perez’ Instagram

    The debate over whether cis-het actors should play LGBTQ+ roles is ongoing. Galitzine, who has portrayed queer characters in films such as “Handsome Devil” and “The Craft: Legacy,” has received both acclaim and criticism for his performances. Reflecting on this, Perez cited Cate Blanchett’s view on acting: “We must fight to the death to suspend disbelief,” arguing that an actor’s primary job is to convincingly portray their character regardless of their own identity .

    Related: Nicholas Galitzine Feels Guilt Over Playing Gay Roles

    Perez, who plays Alex Claremont-Diaz in “Red, White & Royal Blue,” continued to stress the importance of focusing on the characters’ depth beyond their sexuality. He highlighted that the film’s protagonists lead rich, multifaceted lives: Alex is a law student and Henry is a dedicated prince. “The less people focus on sexuality and see what these people are capable of, that’s when we’ve created real change,” he said .

    From Perez’ Instagram

    This comes amid the excitement of the announced sequel to “Red, White & Royal Blue,” which has been confirmed with both Perez and Galitzine reprising their roles. The film, based on Casey McQuiston’s best-selling novel, received universal praise for its faithful adaptation and the chemistry between its leads. The sequel was officially announced on May 9, 2024, at a special screening event in Culver City, attended by the stars and other key cast members .

    Perez’s staunch defense of Galitzine and his advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights underscore the ongoing conversations about representation and authenticity in Hollywood. As both actors prepare to return for the sequel, their dedication to telling meaningful queer stories remains unwavering.

    From Perez’ Instagram

    Related: Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine Practiced a Lot of Kissing

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