It’s hard to wait for Mr. Right to come along when you are desperate for love
Dear Max,
I’m 22 and am looking for a boyfriend, but I always seem to end up alone and forgotten by the end of the night.
I have tried being social, but not slutty. I’ve tried laughing at jokes that aren’t funny. I’ve tried wearing clothes that show off my body, which is pretty toned. And I’ve tried scooping the room for guys who are making eye contact with me, but they always look away once they notice me looking right back at them.
When I ask guys to dance, they, shyly, turn me down. The only guys who approached me are ALWAYS drunk. What’s wrong with me and what am I doing wrong? What should I be doing?
–Wichita, KS_BOI
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Dear KS_BOI,
You are not doing anything wrong. Just be patient because it usually takes a while to find someone special. Just be yourself, go out, meet people and sooner or later you will find that special one.
Remember to also use all the internet resources such as our chat rooms and personal ads (i.e. or Supermarkets and neighborhood gyms are also great to meet people, potential boyfriends and maybe even Mr. Right.
Usually, people meet their special one when they are not really looking. So relax and let it happen.
Good luck!
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